Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Types Of Insurance Commercials - 1875 Words

You need insurance If you haven’t seen an All-State or State Farm commercial you probably should crawl out from the rock you are hidden under or you just do not watch television in general. These companies spend millions of dollars on advertising and are on every channel. They are required to do this because this is a very competitive market. The types of insurance commercials seen on television have a vast range of genres. But, they all have one thing in common. Companies promote services or products to the audience that convey its services are the best and most professional available at this current time. The advertisements are relatively short and speak to immense types of audiences. Each marketing communication covers a wide range of people from 18-year-old teenage boys to even 80-year-old women. The audiences of the commercials that I have chosen come in all different shapes and sizes. The scale goes from your car hitting a stationary object to even an object hitting your stationary car, we got it covered! The goal is to highlight a company’s qualities in an effort to generate a likely hood for individuals to consume their products or services. Although, car accidents and other problems are devastating, insurance companies put a humorous spin on the commercial to show they are willing to help you with it, in the most professional manner, no matter what. Insurance companies understand that human beings make mistakes and try to personalize each experience in an effort toShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types And Different Methods Of Commercial Health Insurance889 Words   |  4 Pages1)Commercial Health Insurance-is a general term for policies offered through for-profit companies. The policy can be a fee for-service policy or a managed. 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